Thursday, November 4, 2010

In Contact


In the process of becoming a Real Adult, I need to determine my priorities, needs, and goals. The basics of housing, employment, and community are key, but I’ll be searching out the answers to questions like:

- What field should I dedicate my attentions to?
- How does one live a sustainable life?
- Is writing a viable path?
- How can one live an adventurous life that involves community-building and intellectual growth?
- Should I go to graduate school?

As these questions require research, I won’t be very stationary for the next while. I’ll be on the move, trying to learn as much as possible.

To get in touch with me:

1. Text
2. Call
3. Email (
4. Facebook (
5. Carrier pigeon / abnormally attentive rat (subway, window, alleyway)

To hear about my adventures:

1. Twitter (
2. Blogging
a. livejournal, mostly locked entries (
b. facebook, friend-locked entries (
c. public blog (

Here is my life-plan:

Until Wednesday Night: Oberlin, Ohio.
(John’s birthday is November 1st. And I am a romantic.)

Until Friday morning: Washington, DC
(I am back for a day! It will be déjà vu a l’høver agaîn.)

Until December: Twin Oaks, Virginia
(An intentional community that will teach me about sustainable communal living!)

December 3-5: Washington, DC
(Bambloozled, a blues dance conference! I will have spare time, though I may be in a constant state of dance-gasm.)

Until February: UNKNOWN
(Possibilities: New Orleans, Washington DC, Seattle, or parts unknown. I could visit you, if you like!)

February: Cleveland, Ohio
(Probably. I’d like to work for a socially just organization.)

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