Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Scientific Question

A favor: can you think of a question for me?

… Not just any question.

What question could you ask a passerby on the street to gauge how much they grasped chemistry, physics, and biology? What signals basic scientific knowledge? What queries create a gradient between simple understanding, some analytical skill, and total cluelessness?

Right now, I like these ones:

How does the sun work?

What remains after you burn something?

Why is the sky blue?

What causes the dramatic colors of a sunset?


Can you define density? Mass? Heat?

What are the four states of matter?

How do plants grow?

What scientific principles do you see in your daily life?

How does the internet work?

How does recycling work?

What is the first scientific principle you would teach your child?

Is it better to ask for opinions and hope for some scientific clarity within the argument?

What are the problems associated with GMO’s?

How would you define (and defend) evolution?

What causes diabetes and why is it dangerous?

If you don't like science, but are married to another field, I'd love to know what question you think signal basic understanding. What sets the boundaries between understanding and ignorance?

I’d ask, “What makes a good story?”

These kids are freakin' adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd ask, what makes a good song.